My first two weeks in England have also been the worst two weeks in England. It started off quite nice but then a big argument with my host family followed and lead to them kicking me out of the house.
I was lucky enough to already know Johanna, another au pair working in Ascot, who took me in for the night. We bought chocolate cake, ice cream and wine and watched “Der Schuh des Manitou” (a German comedy). I don’t think I’ve ever had such a good break-up! 😉
The next day my new host-mum Rachel picked me up from Johanna. We had only met the day before and she still had an au pair at home but she was willing to give me shelter two weeks before she actually needed me.
While we were driving from Ascot to Bracknell (my new home) I finally felt like I could leave the whole drama behind me and when we arrived at the house where three wonderful dogs greeted me I was very relieved.
Within one day I felt more welcome, appreciated and at home than I had after one week in my old host-family.
I had finally arrived where I had hoped to be since my first day – home!
Rachel’s family is a little chaotic but that’s just what makes them so loveable! We spent nights talking to each other, I played games with Ellie-May (my new host-child) and did “Lisa or Lena” with her, I cuddled with the dogs and Rachel invited us all to a very nice restaurant for her birthday.
When I met with my friend Camilo the other day he actually said that I seemed to be much happier now. “You can see it” he said but what’s even more important is that I can feel it…

Do you have social media . Add me on Instagram julia_bridges24 I have many questions !
Hi Julia,
yes I do have Instagram! You’ll find the link to my profile in my “Who am I?” section. 🙂